These are exciting days
We know most Alpha courses begin during the month September, which means that right now, there are invitations across the world for people to sign up to a course and discover a personal relationship with Jesus. Will you pray with us in these exciting days?
Here are just a few areas and parts of the world you can pray for this month:

India continues to feel the impact of COVID-19. Every Monday, the Alpha team runs virtual prayer rooms for pastors to intercede for them for one hour. Join us in praying for this initiative and for church leaders up and down the country during these challenging times.

One church in Slovenia had an incredible turn out of 150 guests on a recent Alpha course run online, with people joining from across the country. After the course, the team connected guests who are not part of a church with their local parish. As Alpha continues to run, pray that many would come to know Jesus and find community in their local church.

An international ex-pat church in Kuwait ran over 300 Alpha Online courses last year and saw many people encounter Jesus. They recently launched The Marriage Course and hope to use this tool to reach more people outside of the church in the community. Pray that many couples would be strengthened and find faith.

Latin America
August celebrated International Youth Day, so we are encouraging churches across Latin America to run Alpha Youth simultaneously over the next few weeks. Through this initiative, we hope to invite over 5,000 young people to explore Jesus on Alpha. Join us in praying!

Most churches in Kenya offer services in Swahili, and it’s been our desire to offer Alpha’s materials in their local language. In September, we’re launching the newly translated Alpha Film Series in Swahili. Pray that many would connect with this new resource and encounter Jesus as a result.

We want to see more people come to know Jesus. In the UK, ‘Invite a Nation’ is launching in September, a citywide invitation initiative with bus adverts, launch events, and mass invitation drops. Please pray that many would accept the invitation, try Alpha, and discover a relationship with Jesus.